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Christie Hajduk
4 min read
What I Learned from my Foot Injury
When you experience a foot injury as a movement teacher and self proclaimed foot nerd, you feel a little silly and frankly humbled.

Christie Hajduk
3 min read
Stepping Out of Norms: Rethinking Our Relationship with Feet
The barefoot journey is not just about freeing the feet from ill-fitted shoes, but also changing our perspective on how we regard our feet.

Christie Hajduk
4 min read
Bumps and Bruises Will Happen When You Go Barefoot
Starting your barefoot journey does not need to be scary, but I also want to be realistic. Here are some tips to help you start your journey

Christie Hajduk
5 min read
Switching to Minimalist Shoes
Apply the four "F's" to your minimalist shoe shopping approach to make sure you are getting a shoe that works with your feet.

Christie Hajduk
3 min read
Toe Spacers and Why We All Need Them!
Toe Spacers are an amazing tool that can help relieve pain and start your journey to healthier feet.
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